Healing with Forgiveness…

Healing with Forgiveness…

Photo by David Marcu

Photo by David Marcu

Here is video 2 of a series of videos I have found that were quite inspirational. This one is about forgiveness. Living in unforgiveness  (if there is such a word !) can be a heavy burden to carry to the point that it can affect of physical and mental health. Forgiving a person who has hurt or wronged us in the past is something we do for ourselves, not for the other. Living in anger and resentment hurts us, not the person we are angry with.
Here are a few quotes from the video, which also contains beautiful pictures, as always.
“The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world”. Marianne Williamson
“Forgiveness is the final form of love”. Reinhold Niebuhr
Let go so that healing can begin
Hardened stories have worn grooves in your mind and heart
Hardness becomes a habit long after the event has passed
You hold on to the story hoping that some day it will make it right but the gift comes when you decide change is within you
The whole story falls away, all is new again, you invite the light in, you see what is reality
Forgiveness is a letting go, not accepting a wrong or going against your basic values
It’s to heal yourself so you can soften, so your body can open to new space within, to places you never knew before existed
It will set u free
One day u may come to forgive yourself and allow others to forgive you too… this is an act of bravery and the first true act of great love
Enjoy the video!


Your thoughts can harm you…

Image courtesy of num_skyman at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of num_skyman at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I came across a few good quotes from one of my mentors, the late Debbie Ford. I thought I would share with you her words of wisdom and encourage you to stop and reflect on these.

  • We can see ourselves in living color by taking note of what we observe in other people. (Note: this is a defence mechanism called projection)
  • Notice what happens when you choose to embrace rather than reject each feeling that arises within you today.(Note: What you resist persists. If you allow feelings to just pass, you dont linger in the negative feeling and thus you suffer less)
  • Not only do we allow our own thoughts and guidelines to dictate our behaviour, but we also project onto others what we believe they want for us. (Note: This can be at the source of great conflicts that could be avoided as they blossom and live in our minds only and may not be based in fact)
  • Turning our dreams into realities means learning how to transmute the negative and turn it into the positive.(Note: A “negative” experience can be a blessing in disguise if you choose to look at it this way. Rejection is protection and often unanswered prayers are leaving space for better outcomes)

Most of us don’t recognize that there are two distinct elements to who we are : the thinking self and the observing self. We tend to bunch them up together. Haven’t you ever thought or felt: “I can’t stand myself”? This statement shows the separation between thought (my in myself) and self (I). Thus when you say I, you are the observer of the thoughts or feelings or sensations or state that you are in, that you can’t stand.

The good news about this, is that you can change those thoughts and thus change your state. The way you perceive a situation greatly impacts how you feel, and the above quotes show you a glimpse of how you can do that.

Start paying more attention to your thoughts and how they impact how you feel. Become an active observer instead of living your life on automatic pilot. By doing this, you will reduce your suffering and experience more joy and bliss in your life. Try it!

As you master this skill and you see the positive impact on your life… teach this to your children. It is one of the many beautiful gifts you can pass on!.

Here is a good read if you struggle with your negative thoughts or feelings : Get out of your mind and into your life!



5 easy steps for better self care for moms

5 easy steps for better self care for moms

ID-100281564You might think: “What does self care have to do with parenting skills” ? Well it has everything to do with it. As I’ve mentioned probably several times by now, we teach our children mainly by what we do, more than by what we say. If you want your kids to take good care of themselves in your absence, you need to do it for yourself as well.

If they see you always prioritizing other people’s needs before your own, you are teaching them to place others’ needs first at the expense of their own…. People pleasing, does that ring a bell (read more)?

Our unhealed wounds are passed down from one generation to the next, when we live and parent unconsciously. All too common are women raised with the principle that putting their needs first equals being selfish. Other childhood or past wounds lead to lack of proper self care. And if you struggle with this, delve deeper into your issues, and work through them. This will greatly change the way you parent your child, for the better.

Adequate self care starts with setting  healthy boundaries, which goes hand in hand with self respect, and self respect fosters healthy self-esteem.  If your self esteem is healthy, the greater the chances your child will develop a healthy self esteem as well (read more and here).

In the midst of attachment parenting and conscious parenting, there is still space to take good care of yourself. How will your child learn self love if you don’t have love for yourself. You teach people how to treat you, and it starts with your family. If you send conflicting messages between your actions and your words, trust me, your children will follow your actions.

I have seen it too many times in my practice, parents asking me to heal their child of an ailment which is only a mirror image of their own suffering. But like most moms, and I have been guilty of this on many occasions, sometimes we show more love and dedication to our children than we do to ourselves.

We always put them first, at the expense of our own health and wellbeing. But I learned the hard way that if I did not heal or take care of myself first, then I am not a good teacher to my daughter.

It is important that you create for yourself rituals of self care, set clear boundaries for respect of mommy time: practice your favourite hobby, socialize with your friends, have date nights with your husband or partner, workout, do yoga, meditate, read, etc. Whatever brings you joy and peace. It is important that you have time for yourself only.

Step 1: Do make a point to make yourself happy once a day for the easy doable things, and regularly for bigger ticket items. Here are a few examples of what I like to do for myself on a daily basis : read a book at bedtime, meditate, yoga, write my book, listen to my favourite radio station when I cook or walk the dog or drive. Here are examples of things I like to do for myself on a weekly basis : meet with a good friend, go out for tea or coffee in my favourite café and write, have a nice long walk with the dog, take a nice bath with candles, work on an art project, take time alone in my healing room, light a few candles, put soft music, and read special passages in various books (or inspirational cards) that I have, or just sit there in silence and gratitude.

Step 2: Create a special space in your house or apartment for yourself. It can be a whole room or a section of a room. If your space is small you can use a divider or the architecture to create an illusion of a separate space. You can create a non-religious altar where you keep special items in that area (on a table or bookshelf). It can have pictures of people you love, special stones, books, candles, crystals, incense, essential oil diffuser, a Himalayan salt lamp, or any inspirational object that has special meaning to you (example 1 of altar, example 2 of altar; beautiful pictures of altars) . You can add a comfortable chair or cushions to sit on, a music player to relax the senses, etc. Your space can have a theme, a colour, special decorative items, etc. The sky is the limit when it comes to deciding what you make of that space. The important part is that when you enter that space, immediately it shifts you into a positive state of mind, and thus will relax you and help you disconnect or unwind, and bring you peace and joy. I recommend that you give that space a name. I call mine the “healing room”. Retreat to that space in those moments of self care.

Step 3: Self love and self care involve loving your imperfections and doing so out loud. Show your kids that it’s OK to not be perfect and to make mistakes. Forgive yourself and be kind to yourself. Don’t be so hard on yourself and such a perfectionist, as this is what you are teaching your kids to be. Instead of paying attention to your perceived flaws, pay attention to your strengths and assets, and highlight them and be proud of them. Teach the same to your kids. Even super models hate parts of themselves, no one is perfect! If you catch yourself berating yourself or your appearance, correct yourself as you would correct your child. Tell that mind of yours to take a hike!

You need to embrace your mistakes and imperfections, they are gifts. If you don’t, your child will not only mirror them back to you, but how do you expect them to embrace their own imperfections ? Lead by example or you will be perceived as a fraud by your kids. Start by practicing this simple technique called “Mirror Work” as taught by Louise Hay (see here for instructions) and change the way you talk to yourself (more here). What you keep affirming becomes your reality. So make sure you affirm good thoughts in your life.

Step 4: Develop a gratitude practice. Once a day, at least, reflect on what you are grateful for (you can even write it in a beautiful journal). It is especially important to do this on difficult days as it will put things in perspective. Psychology research has shown the positive impact of keeping a gratitude journal (e.g., better sleep, better mood, fewer illness, more happiness – read more articles on the impact of gratitude). Read some  tips on keeping a gratitude journal. Do this gratitude quiz to see how grateful you are :-), it will give you a great baseline measure. It is well known, that an attitude of gratitude leads to greater life satisfaction.

Step 5: If you have unhealed wounds, invest in a good therapist. YOU are worth it.  As you heal your wounds, and take care of yourself, naturally your child will benefit. You will then parent more consciously and thus be more present emotionally to you child’s actual needs, and you won’t project your own issues on him or her (Watch videos here on being a conscious parent).

“When mama’s happy everyone is happy”. This saying bares so much truth. Take the time to pamper yourself, it’s well worth it.

Action Step: To practice self care and self love, requires a bit of introspection. Start by deciding what you value in life and what brings you joy, carefully ponder on this. It may take a few days. Look at your schedule and see how, on a daily, and weekly basis, you can make time for yourself. Develop those rituals that show how much you love yourself by working through the 5 steps mentioned above and start seeing positive changes in your life and your family’s life. Keep me posted below!

For more on self-care, read this good book by Cheryl Richardson (The Art of Extreme Self-Care). Designed to complete one chapter a month.



What are you waiting for? Step into your Life!

Image courtesy of khunaspix at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of khunaspix at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

This life is short. It is really, really short. Before you know it, you’ve flown through adolescence, having kids and you are middle aged! Pondering on your past, on the future that is yet to come and you are at a crossroads. Do I continue to live life this way? Or do you decide, “Enough! There has got to be more to life than this!”

There is no dress rehearsal. This is it. This is the only life you’ve got. So what are you gonna make of it? How will you live the other half of your life? Will you live in fear? Will you keep putting off till tomorrow what you can do today?

And if you are still young reading this, what path will you choose for yourself? Live the life your parents, your friends, society wants you to live or will you be the pilot of your own plane?

Don’t live the kind of life that will fill you with regrets. Take risks, face your fears, make the leap, you might be surprised to see what amazing life awaits you.

We all have the potential inside of us to be blissfully happy, there is no need to dig, no need to excavate. It is right there inside you. You just need to stop for a moment. Touch that stillness inside of you and there lie all the answers you are waiting for. They are there for you to grasp. They are not far, and they surely are not outside of you.

Get rid of the clutter of thoughts in your mind that keep you distracted with useless and senseless gibberish. They are only thoughts, memories, feelings, judgements that are fleeting. They are meant to pass. They are not meant for you to take a hold of and linger there. Just like snowflakes or raindrops, you don’t stop at each and every one of them,  you just know it’s snowing or raining, and you know that the storm shall pass, so you live on. Those thoughts of yours are the same. Only a few have useful meaning, the rest is just clutter that distracts you from your true essence. They are lies that you believe.

Let it all go, and soon you will see what YOU are made of. What are your dreams, your aspirations, your passions? Are you living up to them or are you letting them pass you by?

So tell me, what are you waiting for?

The top five regrets of the dying are:

  • They wished they had had the courage to live a life true to themselves, not the life others expected of them.
  • They wished they had not worked so hard.
  • They wished they had the courage to express their feelings.
  • They wished they had stayed in touch with their friends.
  • They wished they had let themselves be happier.

Do you want to die with your music still in you? Or do you want to live the life you are meant to live?

I leave you with these beautiful words that have inspired me, and am sure many more. Pass them along, spread the love (self-love) and joy. Remember, this is IT. No do-overs. Live up to your full potential 🙂

(see the Action step at the bottom of this post. DO it 🙂 !)

What Are You Waiting For?”

Are you waiting on a lightening strike
Are you waiting for the perfect night
Are you waiting ’til the time is right?
What are you waiting for?
Don’t you wanna learn to deal with fear?
Don’t you wanna take the wheel and steer?
Don’t you wait another minute here?
What are you waiting for?What are you waiting for?You gotta go and reach for the top
Believe in every dream that you got
You’re only living once so tell me
What are you, what are you waiting for?
You know you gotta give it your all
And don’t you be afraid if you fall
You’re only living once so tell me
What are you, what are you waiting for?Are you waiting for the right excuse?
Are you waiting for a sign to choose?
While you’re waiting it’s the time you lose
What are you waiting for?
Don’t you wanna spread your wings and fly?
Don’t you really wanna live your life?
Don’t you wanna love before you die?
What are you waiting for?What are you waiting for?You gotta go and reach for the top
Believe in every dream that you got
You’re only living once so tell me
What are you, what are you waiting for?
You know you gotta give it your all
And don’t you be afraid if you fall
You’re only living once so tell me
What are you, what are you waiting for?[2x]
Tell me what you’re waiting for?
Show me what you’re aiming for?
What you gonna save it for?
So what you really waiting for?

Everybody’s gonna make mistakes
But everybody’s got a choice to make
Everybody needs a leap of faith
When are you taking yours?

What are you waiting for?

You gotta go and reach for the top
Believe in every dream that you got
You’re only living once so tell me
What are you, what are you waiting for?
You know you gotta give it your all
And don’t you be afraid if you fall
You’re only living once so tell me
What are you, what are you waiting for?

You gotta go and reach for the top
What are you, what are you waiting for?
Believe in every dream that you got
What are you, what are you waiting for?
You know you gotta give it your all
What are you, what are you waiting for?
You’re only living once so tell me
What are you, what are you waiting for?

What are you, what are you?
What are you, what are you waiting for?
What are you, what are you?
What are you, what are you waiting for?

Action step: Are you ready? Make an inventory of your life to date. Answer those questions above. Decide today, that from this point on you will live YOUR life, not the one others think you should live. Stop putting things off. This IS truly the greatest gift you can give yourself: A true act of self-love. And it IS the greatest gift you can pass on to your children, because they TOO need to live their life, here and now. Not the one you aspire for them based on YOUR dreams but based on theirs :-).


Do some people have all the luck?

Do some people have all the luck?


You can go through life thinking that some people have all the luck and that you simply got the short end of the stick. But, is that really how things are? I beg to differ.

I have heard time and time again this saying: “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear,” and I have experienced it myself many times. In fact, it is not a matter of luck at all.

When we set out an intention to do something, whether it be as concrete as change how we live our life (e.g., quit smoking, lose weight, leave a marriage, find better friends, change jobs, etc), or more abstract as decide to interpret the world in a more optimistic manner (e.g., stop playing the victim, stop looking for the negative in things), somehow opportunities, people, circumstances,  seem to appear out of the blue.

In reality, it simply is that those things were always present, but we were unable to see them because we were not in that state of mind to see them, we were not ready. Our focus was on other things, things that would follow the flow of what we were living at that time, things that would confirm our views and beliefs (see the attribution bias).

If you stay in a job you hate, or are bored of, simply because of the benefits or the pay, and you are not considering looking for another job, you won’t notice awesome job opportunities that come your way because you are NOT looking for them. You won’t see the advertisement in the newspaper, you won’t hear it on the radio, you won’t notice when people mention it, simply because your mind is not there. However, had you decided in your heart that it was time to move on, when those opportunities would come up, you would notice them, and grab hold of them.

It’s all a matter of perspective and attitude. Thus, when you are “prepared” for change, you start to notice the opportunities that will present themselves to you. It has nothing to do with luck!

Action step: Try this exercise for fun. Set the intention that in the next 48 to  72 hours that you will see something that is not that common (e.g. a pink car, a purple butterfly), and keep your eyes open for those opportunities. Chances are, if you remember that this is your intention you WILL see what you set out to see or hear. It is important for this exercise that you DO NOT limit the form your intention will take, just as in life, opportunities do not always show up dressed up the way we expect them to, nevertheless they show up.

Let me give you a couple of examples. I set out the intention one day to see a pink car… well, these are not that common as you may know, yet I saw many versions of my intention. They were:  a pink cement truck (! how rare is that!!). a child being pushed in a plastic pink toy car, a pink Jeep, a pink Mini. This is what I mean by do not limit the shape or form it should take, set a general intention. Another example: I set out to see a purple butterfly. I don’t think these exists where we live…. Anyhow, I was nearing the end of my 48 hours, disappointed that my exercise had not worked (this had been my first attempt at this exercise recommended by Pam Grout in her best-selling book E-squared), when my daughter gave me a piece of paper, and on it, a while back, I had drawn 5 purple butterflies!!! I did not notice immediately, but a few moments later, I shouted with Glee “It works! That’s what she meant by don’t limit your intention !”  My daughter and I were excited that we had succeeded in manifesting a purple butterfly! That is when we after decided to see a pink car.

Since then, we see pink “cars” everywhere!


Have fun! Keep me posted in the comments below.

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