Photo by Jon Ottosson
Here is a video version of a previous Blog post. I hope you enjoy it.
It covers the multiple benefits of getting your children involved in chores from a young age. It is a mistake to only focus on academics…. then their self esteem is defined solely on academic success. What if your child struggles in school, then what? Too many times I see children’s self esteem suffer because they define their worth on externals, such as academics or sports.
Chores, among other things, allow children to build their self esteem, a sense of mastery, competency, responsibility, and many other skills and qualities. We need to shift our negative focus from chores being”chores” and rather opportunities to connect, take a break, be mindful while doing a task and thus disconnecting from complicated life issues or struggles.
Maybe after watching this video you too will see your household responsibilities in a totally different light… Enjoy!
Maria Montessori Age Appropriate Chores List here
(Text version of this video here)
Photo Credits: This presentation contains images that were used under a Creative Commons License. Click here to see the full list of images and attributions: https://app.contentsamurai.com/cc/2588
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