✌️ Questions answered about COVID-19
🌿 Is it week 4 or 5? I lose track. Is it Monday or Sunday? Who knows. The days are looking more and more the same 😕. In my case, they are looking more and more like weekends!
Okay, we are now kinda settling into our new reality. For some, it is easier than others. Adjusting to social distancing, quarantine, taking extra precautions, dealing with working from home while taking care of children, job loss, being away from loved ones, or simply feeling alone are some of the many new realities we have to deal with.
It is a welcome break for some while for others it is a highly stressful period. And I include myself in all this!
I have a lot more time on my hands that I was anticipating. So I decided might as well use this time for good! 🦋
As many of you know I lead a FB group with a friend of mine, Richard Robins, social worker extraordinaire. The group is open to everyone around the globe, called Ottawa’s Pandemic Mental Health Support Group. I pop in there to support people with questions, resources, positivity. A few other awesome practitioners are part of the group to help out (psychologists, naturopathic doctors, volunteers etc).
Anyhow, I digress. We have hosted some FB lives and we will be having another one Tuesday. More specifically it will be relating to helping people cope with the new reality of the pandemic and how it has affected their lives.
Myself and a colleague, Glenn Ambrose, will be answering your questions. So I am asking you to submit your questions if you cannot make it live. We will make it our mission to answer as many questions as possible.
There are no stupid questions. Your questions might help someone else who is too shy to ask. You do not need to be identified.
We will also be talking about a course we will be launching next week to help people like you and I cope.
We are doing the course as our way to give back. It will be highly discounted, just to cover our costs. We know, many people out there have lost jobs or are simply in a tight spot financially. Maybe you or someone you know might benefit from our course. Stay tuned.
When is the FB live?
- Tuesday, April 21, 6h30PM- EST
- You can send your questions by replying to this email, email [email protected], submit them to the FB group or message me on FB or LinkedIn.
So, that’s it for now. Stay safe everyone, practice social distancing but keep in touch with loved ones. And, finally, embrace this special time.
🕊️ Good will come out of it and try to see the silver lining. 🕊️
🌿P.S.: If your children are struggling with fear or anxiety I have posted 3 guided meditations for children 6 to 12 yo. They are narrated by my daughter when she was 6 and 11. Go to the App Insight Timer and you will find them there. A review on iTunes would help people find us!! I would really appreciate it.
🌿P.S.2.: Join this community if you need support. It is a positive community that I and a friend, Richard Robins, a wonderful social worker, lead. Ottawa’s Pandemic Mental Health Support Group is on Facebook.
🌿P.S.3.: Here are my FREE gifts to you: A resource book for parents and adults that I keep updating. Parents Resources Booklet and 380+ Activities for Kids of all ages.
Wishing you all ✨to stay safe and healthy ✨!
With gratitude, 🌿
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