Education & Learning

Education & Learning

Education & Learning

Education & Learning

Learning Math

If you know, love or teach children who struggle with their math facts and factors, Play Math can help. Listen in and see how Dr Lynne Kenney can change the trajectory of children’s math learning in primary school.

Rethinking Education

Below are great TEDtalks by Sir Ken Robinson.This quote from YouTube “Sir Ken is a TED icon having given three presentations on the role of creativity in education (His 2006 talk has attracted over 27 million views and seen by an estimated 250 million people worldwide) and changed the lives of many. In 2011 he was listed as “one of the world’s elite thinkers on creativity and innovation” by Fast Company magazine, and was ranked among the Thinkers50 list of the world’s top business thought leaders.

Sir Ken comes from an arts in education background influencing the formulation of the National Curriculum in England. For twelve years, he was professor of education at the University of Warwick, and is now professor emeritus. He has received honorary degrees and honours for his services to the arts and education from many institutions around the world. Sir Ken is a best-selling author and co-author of a wide range of books, reports and articles on creativity, the arts, education and cultural development. In 2003, he received a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II for his services to the arts.

Do schools kill creativity? | Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.

How to escape education’s death valley | Sir Ken Robinson outlines 3 principles crucial for the human mind to flourish — and how current education culture works against them. In a funny, stirring talk he tells us how to get out of the educational “death valley” we now face, and how to nurture our youngest generations with a climate of possibility.

Life is your talents discovered | Sir Ken Robinson In this terrific and witty closing of TEDxLiverpool, Sir Ken Robinson argues that talent is often buried and that we need to search for it. In fact, the foundation of wisdom may be the willingness to go and look for it.

Ken Robinson on Passion | Sir Ken Robinson  LECTURE @THE SCHOOL OF LIFE: Sir Ken Robinson believes that everyone is born with extraordinary capability. So what happens to all that talent as we bump through life, getting by, but never realizing our true potential?

Sir Ken Robinson: The Element.  | Sir Ken Robinson discusses how finding your passion changes everything.

Bring on the learning revolution! | Sir Ken Robinson In this poignant, funny follow-up to his fabled 2006 talk, Sir Ken Robinson makes the case for a radical shift from standardized schools to personalized learning — creating conditions where kids’ natural talents can flourish.

Educating the Heart and Mind  | Sir Ken Robinson speaks during the Dalai Lama Center’s Educating the Heart Series. He discusses the importance of an education that educates not just the mind, but also the heart.

Early Development & Skills

Prepare your child for writing, but not the way you think. Discover Waldorf Education: Form Drawing, a Threefold Perspective In spite of its apparent simplicity, Form Drawing has a powerful effect upon the Primary School child in the Waldorf or Steiner setting. Experienced Waldorf teacher Eugene Schwartz demonstrates how a simple Grade One drawing can impact the child’s physical, etheric, and astral bodies. In spite of the fact that the latter two bodies are invisible and intangible, Eugene manages to capture them on film. For more information, visit

Discover Waldorf Education: Writing & Reading, Part 1 This video, the third in a series, looks at the unique approach taken by Waldorf schools to the teaching of writing and reading. Eugene Schwartz explains the emphasis placed upon the kinesthetic and spatial dimensions of becoming literate.

Discover Waldorf Education: Writing & Reading, Part 2 This video, the fourth in a series, looks at the unique approach taken by Waldorf schools to the teaching of writing and reading. Eugene Schwartz explains the emphasis placed upon the recapitulation of the cultural stages that lead to the development of writing and reading.

Waldorf Math Lesson: Circle Multiplication Table  An easy and concrete way to learn the times table. Kris Carlson demonstrates the circle times table during a typical Waldorf math lesson.

Math Number Wheel Circle to learn multiplication & Place Value Numbers make fun and fascinating patterns as we create the times table. Math times table created from fun patterns as a way to learn multiplication tables for Eights and Twos. This video also teaches place value. This video has the student create worksheets where they can learn the times tables. This is useful for teaching math in a classroom, at home, as part of homeschool or as fun homework. Right Brain Math can teach Elementary Students. Curriculum Review magazine calls it a revolutionary approach to introducing math. It is also very effective for remedial math for students who have fallen behind in math. Learning the multiplication tables are crucial for a student taking algebra. The Right Brain approach has helped many kids who have a negative attitude about math or numbers. Right Brain Math is an easy, effective, visual method of teaching multiplication as well as addition, subtraction, or division. It also helps students learn factors. Because it uses visual and auditory patterns as a teaching strategies, it appeals to many learning styles because it emphasizes patterns and puzzles and overviews. Kids see the big picture of the multiplication tables first, and then understand how the individual factors relate to each other.

Math Times Tables for 3, 6, 9 multiplication from MisterNumbers   Math multiplication table tricks using patterns on Tic-Tac-Toe Squares for the Threes, Sixes, and Nines. MisterNumbers math tricks will rock you as you learn multiplication for the 3 6 and 9 times tables in this video and the Sevens, Fours, and even the whole times table on other videos. This is fun for homeschool math or in a classroom. Teachers and parents will find this lesson for math times tables fun for students and for the Teacher. See other Mister-Numbers videos to see right brain ways to learn the multiplication times tables using overviews, math patterns, and visual puzzles. Math times table created from fun patterns as a way to learn multiplication tables for Threes, Sixes, and Nines. This video also teaches place value. This video has the student create worksheets where they can learn the times tables. This is useful for teaching math in a classroom, at home, as part of homeschool or as fun homework.

Right Brain Math: Times Table Overview & Fun Factor Sets  Great visual patterns and overviews of how numbers work from a right brain perspective. Tom Biesanz (Mister Numbers) shows how the patterns look and how they relate to families of factor numbers.
Math times table created from fun patterns as a way to learn multiplication tables.

Multiplication: Learning Times Tables for 8s and 2s Click this link for a free worksheet on the Twos and Eights on an Atomic Wheel.
Math times table created from fun patterns as a way to learn multiplication tables for Eights and Twos. This video also teaches place value.


Are home-schooled children smarter? Research conducted by Sandra Martin-Chang, an assistant professor in Concordia’s Department of Education, shows that children who were home-schooled scored higher than their peers in seven different subjects. In this segment, she discusses the challenges and rewards of assuming responsibility for your child’s learning with Wendi Hadd, a sociology teacher at John Abbott College who home-schooled her children.

Mindfulness in the Classroom

Healthy Habits of Mind: How teaching mindfulness skills and compassion practices  improve executive function skills in the classroom, such as sustained attention, focus, interpersonal skills, lowered aggression, etc.

Internet Business

Internet Business

internet business

Internet Business


Business has now expanded to the internet. Even offline businesses have an online presence to increase their reach. I have included below various resources I use myself and have found them to be quite beneficial for my business.

  • If you are looking to set up your own website and earn some income online, are not tech savvy and need step by step guidance, The Internet Business Mastery Academy (IBM) is what you are looking for. Step-by-step video tutorials and strategies very well laid out. Here is a sample of their home page and its modules. It also includes a private Facebook mastermind group.
  • The Fast Track to Automated Income: a quick efficient way to start an online profitable business and how to get more traffic to your website. It includes step-by-step modules, private mastermind group, action guides and templates, email support and so much more.
  • Have a product you need to launch online. Get over 6 hours of training on how to run a successful launch online. It walks you through the process from start to finish. Get access to the Backstage Pass on how to launch successfully.
  • How to work less and accomplish more every day. Learn the secrets of successful entrepreneurs to get the things done
    that matter… and enjoy your lifestyle to the fullest.
  • Here is the link to the Internet Business Academy Blog and Podcast. They have tons of free content to help you with your internet business. If you are hesitant about investing in business coaching, sample their awesome free guidance and maybe this will convince you to push your business to the next level in less time.
  • Here is a free video that will teach you How to Uncover Successful Online Income Streams in 3 Minutes or Less.

More Publications

More Publications

Madrigrano, G.D. (2016). 10 Foolproof Fathering Tips for Raising Confident and Successful Children. See:

Madrigrano, G.D. (2016). 10 Ways to Guard Your Daughter Against Toxic Relationships. See:

Madrigrano, G.D. (2015) 5 Steps to Better Self Care for Moms. See:

Madrigrano, G.D. (2015) 8 Steps to a Struggle Free Bedtime Routine. See:

Madrigrano, G.D. and Ian Barsetti (2012) Les habiletés sociales et la gestion des émotions. In Monique Tardif, Martine Jacob, Robert Quenneville & Jean Proulx (Eds.) La Délinquance Sexuelle des Mineurs: Approches Cliniques (pp. 339-376). Montréal: Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal.

Madrigrano, G.D. (2010). Traits Perpetuating Anxiety and How to Change Them. See:

Madrigrano, G.D. (2010). Natural Anxiety Treatment: Relieve Your Symptoms. See:—Relieve-Your-Symptoms&id=4887102.

Madrigrano, G.D. (2006). L’évaluation du risque des adolescents ayant commis des crimes sexuels: Théorie et outils pratiques. RIMAS: 20-22 septembre 2006. 10e anniversaire.

Bourgon, G., Morton-Bourgon, K.E., & Madrigrano, G.D. (2005) Multi-Site Investigation of Treatment for Sexually Abusive Juveniles. In Barbara K. Schwartz (Ed.) The Sex Offender Vol 5: Issues in assessment, treatment, and supervision of adults and juvenile populations (pp. 15.1-15.17).New Jersey: Civic Research Institute Inc.

Madrigrano, G.D. (2005). Juvenile sex offenders: A comparison with older sex offenders and other delinquents. Crisis Workers’ Society of Ontario 21stAnniversary Conference. June 2, 2005

Renaud, P., Proulx, J., Rouleau, J., Bouchard, S., Madrigrano, G. D., Bradford, & J., Fedoroff, P.(2005). The recording of gazing responses in virtual immersion: A new clinical tool to assess sexual preferences in paraphilias. Cybertherapy, Bâle, Suisse, Juin 2005.

Renaud, P., Proulx, J., Rouleau, J., Granger, L., Bradford, J., Fedoroff, P., Madrigrano, G. & Bouchard, S.(2005). L’évaluation des préférences sexuelles à l’aide de la vidéo-oculographie utilisée en immersion virtuelle. CIFAS, Gatineau, Québec, Octobre 2005.

Madrigrano, G.D. (October 2004). Sexual Arousal of Juvenile Sex Offenders: How do they compare to adult sex offenders? Forensic Teaching Kardex: Royal Ottawa Hospital.

Madrigrano, G.D. (2004) Symposium Chair : Evaluating Deviant Sexual Interests Among Adolescent Sexual Abusers: Influential Factors and Empirical Considerations. Presentation: Sexual arousal throughout the lifespan: A cross-sectional longitudinal study. The Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, 23rd Annual Research and Treatment Conference: Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 27.

Ahmed, A., Stewart, W., & Madrigrano, G.D. (2003). Symposia: Prelude to violence- Assessment and treatment of dysfunctional anger. Presentation: Madrigrano, G.D. Educational and Research activities at the anger disorders clinic. Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. Royal Ottawa Hospital, February 4, 2003.

Bradford, J.M., Curry, S.D. & Madrigrano, G.D. (2003) Psychopathological Profiles of Child Molesters. 24th Annual Research Day, Department of Psychiatry, University of Ottawa Academic and Research Day, November 21, 2003.

Fedoroff,J.P., Jacques,T., Curry,S., Madrigrano,G., Stewart,W., Ahmed,A.G., & Bradford,J. (2003). Sex roles in a sample of self-identified BDSM practitioners. Presented at the International Academy of Sex Research 29th Annual Meeting, 33-34. Kinsey Institute and University of Indiana: Bloomington, Indiana.

Madrigrano, G.D. (2003). The Juvenile Sex Offender: Best Practices I and II. 3rd annual Canadian Conference on Specialized Services for Sexually Abusive Youth, Toronto, Canada, May 7-9, 2003.

Madrigrano, G.D. (2003).The juvenile sex offender: Best practices. Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. Royal Ottawa Hospital, February 7, 2003. (For Maintenance of Certification).

Madrigrano, G.D. (2002). L’évaluation psychologique des adolescents (Psychological assessment of adolescents). Université du Québec en Outaouais. November 12.

Rouleau, J.L. & Madrigrano, G.D. (2000). The assessment of adult and adolescent sex offenders in North America and it’s impact concerning targets of treatment. 5th Congress of European Federation of Sexology, Berlin, Germany, June 29 to July 02-2000.

Rouleau, J.L.. & Madrigrano, G.D. (2000) Toward a validated assessment procedure of adolescent sex offenders: Interview and questionnaires.International Academy of Sex Research, 26th Annual Meeting, Paris (France), July 2000.

Madrigrano, G.D. (1999) Vers la validation d’un protocole d’évaluation pour les adolescents ayant commis des crimes sexuels : entrevue et questionnaires. Thèse présentée à la Faculté des Études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Philosophia Doctor (Ph. D.)en psychologie. Montréal (Québec), Novembre 1999:

Madrigrano, G.D. & Rouleau, J.L. (1999). Comparaison entre les profils cliniques d’adolescents ayant commis des crimes sexuels versus ceux d’un groupe témoin: Données provenant d’entrevues cliniques normalisées et de questionnaires validés. Congrès Mondial Enfants victimes: Prévenir et Réparer, Bruxelles, Belgique, 20-22 Novembre 1999.

Rouleau, J.L.. & Madrigrano, G.D. (1999) Preliminary results of an assessment protocol for juvenile sex offenders. International Academy of Sex Research, 25th Annual Meeting, Turino (Italy), July 1999.

Madrigrano, G.D. (1998). Les adolescents agresseurs sexuels: évaluation du risque et du changement. Regroupement des intervenants en matière d’agression sexuelle (RIMAS), 24 Septembre 1998.

Madrigrano, G.D., Rouleau, J.L. & Robinson, M.C. (1997). Caractéristiques cliniques et sociodémographiques d’adolescents ayant commis des crimes sexuelsRevue Québécoise de Psychologie18 (3), pp. 91-110.

Robinson, M.C., Rouleau, J.L. & Madrigrano, G.D. (1997). Validation de la pléthysmographie pénienne comme mesure psychophysiologique des intérêts sexuels des agresseurs adolescents.Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 18 (3), pp. 111-124.

Natural Anxiety Treatment – Relieve Your Symptoms

Natural Anxiety Treatment – Relieve Your Symptoms

A great number of people of all ages suffer from anxiety . There are natural remedies to relieve symptoms of anxiety, which have been proven effective in studies which included control groups. If you are not willing to take prescriptions drugs and prefer to try the natural route, you may benefit from these natural and safe alternatives.

Research has shown that Cognitive Behaviour Therapy,  Acceptance and Commitment Therapy  and some natural herbs have been quite effective at treating various anxiety disorders for children, teens, and adults alike.  Many of the strategies used by therapist can easily be learned by individuals.

There are cognitive and behavioural aspects to anxiety disorders and both need to be addressed in otder to best treat anxiety. Let’s start with the easier components which are the behavioural components. There are several strategies that can be used such as mindfulness, meditation, visualization, deep breathing (or diaphragmatic breathing) and progressive muscle relaxation.

For the cognitive aspect of anxiety disorders, peole need to look at the source of their anxiety. It can be  a place, an object, an animal, a situation. etc. Whatever it is, there are a few cognitive techniques to address these fears: progressive exposure, exposure and response prevention, flooding. These techiniques can be done in imagination or in vivo. The ultimate goal is to become skilled to do the exposure in vivo.  The main key, whatever the approach chosen, is to remember to resist the urge to avoid or escape the feared stimulus. Doing so will only reinforce your fear and solidify it.  In the past, a common therapeutic strategy was to teach thought stopping as another cognitive strategy to reduce irrational thoughts related to the anxiety provoking stimulus. However, this strategy can be difficult and it does not always work. A more useful strategy can be to simply detach and stop identifying with our thoughts. Notice them without judgment, and then let them go. In the same way that we notice cars and let them drive by. It requires less effort than attempting to “stop thinking” about something. Try to not think of a pink elephant. Too late. The image is already in your head.

To master the art of allowing, accepting and simply being in the present moment it takes practice. Not disidentify with our thoughts is an easier task when we practice mindfulness and meditation. Our mind then develops the ability to quickly detach from thoughts and let them go.

Once more, these techniques have been proven quite effective and there are many resources out there that describe them in detail. They can be found in workbooks available on Amazon or other book stores, web sites and You Tube videos that give very good descriptions of these techniques.

Lastly, in lieu of prescription medication, it is worth consulting an alternative health professional  (e.g. homeopath, naturopathic doctor, master herbalists) for their advise on the best natural remedies to calm symptoms of  anxiety and its related problems, such as insomnia. Valerian Root, Melatonin are two example of natural sleep aids. St-John’s Wort has been shown to help with mild to moderate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Always remember to consult with a registered and licenced professional before using any natural remedies, especially if you are also taking prescription drugs; drug interactions are possible and can be dangerous.

Finally, it is important to have a healthy balanced diet. Eating whole foods is always best, organic if at all possible, avoid processed foods, and artificial sweeteners, among other things. Basically, eat real food! Furthermore, the excessive use of stimulants (e.g. cigarettes, cafeine, sugar, soft drinks)  can imitate physiological symptoms of anxiety which in turn can be misinterpreted as anxiety or even misinterpreted as a panic attack.

In conclusion, anxiety is a disorder that is treatable and with high success rates with the natural techniques mentioned above. However, if you find you get no relief,  it may be helpful to consult a mental health professional. It may be difficult to go at this alone, especially if you have been suffering from anxiety for many years.

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